Ivano Frankivsk National
Medical University

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Graduation qualifying exam at the medical university has finished
The state graduation qualifying exam at the medical university has finished. All students have successfully passed this last examination in their student life. As a result of certification of the average progress of the students trained 4,08 points (in Medical business), for students of "Pediatrics" - 4.04 points, and for foreign students - 3.66. It was determined the progress of the following disciplines. Medical business:

• Therapeutic disciplines - 4.07
• Surgical disciplines - 4.05
• Hygienic discipline – 4.05
• Children's illnesses - 4.09
• Obstetrics and Gynecology - 4.07 For students of the specialty "pediatrics":
• Therapeutic disciplines - 4.02
• Surgical disciplines - 4.04
• Hygienic discipline – 4.04
• Children's illnesses - 4.09
• Obstetrics and Gynecology - 4.02 And for foreign students:
• Therapeutic disciplines - 3.72
• Surgical disciplines - 3.65
• Hygienic discipline – 3.6
• Children's illnesses - 3.7
• Obstetrics and Gynecology - 3.65
The Ivano Frankivsk-city youth Executive committee expresses Their Gratitude to the IFNMU for support of youth projects in Ivano-Frankivsk During 2011-2012 Academic years.
Heart to Heart
The VII action of all Ukraine charity foundation "Heart to Heart" comes to an end. This action was dedicated to children with diabetes. The volunteers of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University collected 4000 hryvnias. The university administration warmly thanks everyone who took part in this charitable action. And always remember, "Compassion was the most important, perhaps the sole law of human existence.
IFNMU New School
Within a few days, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University once again celebrate the feast of the first of September. This thing college ranks replenished by 1156 students and formed more than two dozen academic groups, namely the field: Medicine - 368 students of which formed 13 groups, paediatrics - 84 students and 3 groups, Dentistry - 165 students and 6 groups, pharmacy - 60 full-time students and 102 part-time which formed 3 and 5 groups, respectively. It is worth noting the high quality of staff selection committee, as compared to the previous year the number of students increased by almost a third.
Preparing for the school year at the university took place at a high level. A number of repairs to buildings, chairs, chairs in locker dental faculty of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, library and dormitories, including hostel number 3 and number 4 introduced an electronic system passes.
As for the learning process, it should be emphasized at the opening of a new specialty "Pharmacy" in full and basic general education, which will prepare young professionals in the specialty pharmacist, the introduction of cross-cutting program of practical training of physicians in the specialty General Practice - Family Medicine" in the undergraduate and postgraduate stages, reorganization of departments according to the principles of the Bologna process. Done connect to LAN university departments, faculties, departments and student dormitories. To improve and facilitate the work of students, university teachers for 2011/2012 academic yearpublished more than 120 titles of scientific literature. In terms of publishing IFNMU ranks sixth among university hospitals in Ukraine.
IFNMU works closely with universities sister (NMU. Bogomolets (Kyiv), NFU (Kharkiv)) - where they can raise and probation qualifications as teachers and students. In order to implement various forms of cooperation with foreign universities, facilitating mobility of students, teachers, researchers, administrators, a department of international relations.
The university is close cooperation and understanding between the administration and Student Government, which aims at improving the learning process, improving living conditions and leisure activities.
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Ivano Frankivsk National
Medical University

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